Dear Friend, Today, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops took a huge step toward denying Communion to prominent supporters of abortion rights, most notably Joe Biden, the nation’s first pro-choice Catholic president. Despite the objections of many of their own members, the Vatican, and the majority of the people in the pews, the bishops voted overwhelmingly to create guidelines on the meaning of the Eucharist to bar giving the sacrament to pro-choice politicians, choosing to continue their unholy crusade against President Biden and other pro-choice Catholics. In a country and church already riven with tension and division, today the bishops chose to be partisan instead of pastoral, cruel rather than Christ-like. To use the Eucharist – the Body of Christ and the central unifying ritual of our church – as a weapon of punishment is a grotesque and reprehensible betrayal of the power of the sacraments. |
Over the past two months, we have spoken out forcefully against the weaponization of Communion, sharing the prochoice Catholic viewpoint with CNN, NPR, and Public Radio International. On Wednesday, we held a joint press conference with our partners in the progressive Catholic community, including CORPUS, Dignity, FutureChurch, the Quixote Center, and the Women’s Ordination Conference. We know there is power in numbers, and that's why we need your help to continue standing up for what is right. For all of the pain of this moment, we are heartened by a core minority of bishops who bravely spoke out against this move. It is rare to see members of the hierarchy break ranks in such a public way. It offers a glimmer of hope that, perhaps someday, church leaders will be open to dialogue about the moral complexities of all issues related to sexuality and reproduction. Thank you for standing alongside the majority of the faithful in the Catholic church who understand what the bishops do not: All are welcome and worthy at God’s table, and nothing can estrange us from God’s love. In solidarity, Jamie L. Manson President |